2/18 Kawasaki Match Review & Interview


2/18 Kawasaki Match Review & Interview

<Match Review>
Tokyo, which has invited coach Albert PUIG ORTONEDA and is challenging a new soccer style based on positional play, has been preparing for about a month in the preseason and is finally setting sail. The opponent is Kawasaki Frontale, who is in the midst of consecutive league victories. They fought the Tama River Clasico on enemy territory.

In the early stages, the ball was unsettled due to the opponent's pressure, and there were several occasions where they were threatened in front of the goal. However, center-back Henrique TREVISAN and goalkeeper Jakub SLOWIK made brave blocks to prevent shots. They communicated on the pitch and continued to withstand the pressure.

The tide began to turn after 20 minutes into the first half. In the 24th and 28th minutes of the first half, Leandro and Matsuki Kuryu took shots, initiated by Kensuke Nagai, but both were blocked by the opposing goalkeeper. They continued to threaten the Kawasaki goal multiple times towards the end of the first half, creating chances to challenge the Kawasaki goal in the 36th and 43rd minutes.

As the second half began, the team started to possess the ball more and created opportunities to push Kawasaki back. In the 16th minute of the second half, Leandro was fouled and earned a free kick just outside the penalty area. Leandro, the kicker, delivered a perfect ball between the opponent's goalkeeper and defense, and Kensuke Nagai quickly reacted by heading the ball into the goal, but it was disallowed due to an offside decision. In the 24th minute of the second half, Kensuke Nagai broke through the left side and crossed the ball towards the goal, but it was cleared by an opposing defender who slid in just before Kusei Matsuki could jump in front of the goal.

After allowing Kawasaki to take the lead from a corner kick in the 36th minute of the second half, Tokyo's fierce attack accelerates. They push the opponent back, make wide passes to the side, and cross the ball into the goal area to take shots, but they are unable to shake the net. In the final stages of the match, after intercepting the opponent's pass on the right side, player Kazuya Konno cuts inside towards the center and takes a middle shot. The ball goes past the opponent's goalkeeper's arm, but it is deflected by the left goalpost.

For the 7 minutes of additional time, we played mostly in the opponent's half, but couldn't make that final step. Alberto Kyo's debut ended in a close defeat.

[Interview with Coach Albert]

Q, how do you look back on today's game?
After changing the playing style, we started the season with only one month of preparation period. Many players understand the playing style, including young players and new signings. Six players had to leave the team due to positive COVID-19 test results.

In this situation, the first 15 minutes of the game did not go well, but after that, there was a long period of time when we dominated the game. We were able to create many decisive chances and there were scenes where we hit the post and important moments. The fact that we were able to dominate the game against a team that has won two consecutive championships. From that, I think you can imagine how proud I am of the players. Despite many obstacles, I am proud that we have been able to play this well.

Kawasaki Frontale is a team that has matured with the same playing style for many years. In that, they scored goals from set plays. My players are hungry for victory and are filled with a learning attitude. The team has just started walking with a new playing style. In that sense, we need to build a foundation to become a team worthy of champions and want to achieve it day by day. Of course, mistakes will happen. However, as I have conveyed to the players, the fighting attitude they expressed today is necessary to get closer to achieving our goals.

I was hoping that VAR would blow the whistle for a penalty kick, but unfortunately the whistle did not sound. The last part is a joke (laughs). I respect the referee and I think he blew a great whistle today.

Q: Although Morishige was not present, were you concerned about the composition of the team?
A, I was able to have a wonderful preseason. However, it is unfortunate that six people have left. And, Kuryu MATSUKI made his debut in the professional world. I am satisfied with his play and want to praise him. He needs to grow more and more, but I hope he will become a player who will bring great joy to Japanese soccer in the near future.

There were players who shed tears in the locker room after the match ended. I am proud of that, and it was clear how great today's match was. Once again, we have just begun this journey. There will be more and more mistakes in the future. However, I believe that our fighting spirit will undoubtedly be expressed.

Q: I think we were able to make good progress in the second half of the match, but what kind of instructions were given for adjustments?
A, I conveyed the message to play the ball carefully. We have high-quality players, and I thought Kawasaki Frontale would come for a counterattack, so I conveyed the message to manage the risk against it. Kawasaki Frontale has been playing with this playing style for a long time and has surpassed the opponent in ball possession rate in most matches. Today, we were able to surpass the opponent in that aspect as well and dominate the game. This is the path we are moving forward, but the players still have a lot of room for growth, and I think the completion level is still less than 20%. In that sense, I believe that the players will continue to grow in this season while there is still time.

In the Levain Cup, we want to give young players a chance and we want them to grow as well. And we believe that not only the team but also the club will grow step by step. The place we are heading towards is the path we expressed today. While expressing a fighting spirit, there will be mistakes, but we want to grow day by day and achieve something great. That's how we want to grow into a great club.

[Player Interview]
<Player Kuryu MATSUKI>

Q: What kind of training have you been doing in the two weeks since the end of the camp? And how well were you able to express yourself in today's match?
A, we are working on "football that loves the ball" as Coach Albert PUIG ORTONEDA says. In that process, today, there were some chaotic moments at first, but gradually we were able to have more time to circulate the ball with our own style of football, and we had more chances than the opponent, so we want to focus on whether we can finish those chances in the next game.

Q, how was your performance today?
A, there were many scenes in Tokyo where we couldn't make the decisions we should have made or lost the ball, so I want to improve on that point and become a player who can keep the ball and make decisions throughout the game.

Q, Leandro and Watanabe players have been observed to have a good relationship in the right side position. How did you approach it?
A, I often communicated with WATANABE player during practice matches and training, discussing defensive positioning and other aspects. I was conscious of taking a positioning that allows Leandro to showcase his unique characteristics the most. For example, if Leandro is in the middle, I would position myself on the outside, always playing soccer while keeping an eye on Leandro. I want to continue improving so that I can bring out my own strengths even more.

Q, a strong attitude towards scoring goals, such as a left-footed middle shot, was clearly evident during the match.
A, I wanted to score in the opening match, and the outcome will be determined by whether or not I can score in that scene, so I want to approach this part sincerely from practice.

Q, were you nervous?
A, there was no tension, but it was unexpected that the ball didn't stick to my feet at the beginning. I think I will get used to it next time.

Q: The opponent was Kawasaki Frontale, which has a strong midfield. How was it to confront them?
A, I think we can surpass this area because we haven't lost in terms of ball control and physicality. I think if we can break through at my position, as well as Ryo AOKI and Kokoro AOKI's positions, our frontline will become stronger. So, I want to focus on that and work on it.

Q, there were intense scenes of ball-winning where the player entrusted his body to Chanathip. He showed plays that didn't seem like those of a rookie player.
A, I just did as usual, so I want to continue doing that part.

Q: Did any issues arise in today's match?
A: There were moments where I could have looked around more and moments where I could have finished with a shot. I want to improve on the quality of the final touch.

Kensuke NAGAI

Q, although it was a fantastic game, it ultimately resulted in a defeat. How do you feel looking back on the entire match?
A, I feel that it was a waste that I couldn't make the most of the chances while trying to attack while cherishing the ball.

Q, what were your goals before the match and what are your thoughts after actually playing in the official game?
A, I think we were able to create time to press as a team. However, we couldn't score from set pieces in the second half and ultimately lost the game due to the difference in finishing ability. We need to reflect on this as a team. It's a frustrating result, but I want to take it as a valuable experience and build on it for further growth.

Q: The team has become a new one and has been preparing for the camp up until now. I think there were both anxieties and excitement about how far we could go. How do you feel, player Ryo NAGAI?
A, there were various irregularities before the opening, and there was a sense of crisis that older players had to lead. It created a good tension, but in the end, we couldn't win and it's really frustrating.

What do you need to do in order to win against Kawasaki Frontale, who have won the league title two times in a row?
A, improving the accuracy in front of the goal and also, including me, there were still easy mistakes, so I think it's a part that gets better as we play more games, and I feel that it was very enjoyable to play the game.

Q, although it was offside, there were scenes where we came close to a great goal, and I felt the power heading towards the goal.
I intended to jump out with the consciousness of Chanathip's line, but unfortunately it turned out to be offside. As a feeling, it was really good, so I want to stick to the goal thoroughly.If I could have firmly put the ball on Matsuki after cutting, we could have taken the lead, so I want to reflect on those aspects and work on improving more and more while giving voice to the whole team.

Q, was the moment the net shook as intended?
A, when Leandro was standing near the ball, I had a feeling that he was going to kick it here, so I aimed for it, but I think I was a little early.

Q, although it is the opening match of the league, how did you feel about the team's level of completion?
A, I still feel like there is a long way to go, and I think it's something that we will grow through while experiencing various things. I am excited to see how far we can stretch from here, and I want to be able to score goals from here on and share a lot of joy with the fans and supporters.

Q, next, Levain Cup will start, and the home opening of the league is also approaching. What message would you like to convey to the fans and supporters who are waiting at Ajinomoto Stadium for the next match?
A, last season was a tough endgame where we couldn't win easily. I want to defeat Iwata and Nagoya firmly. Since Kenta HASEGAWA is also in Nagoya, I want the whole team to do our best to repay him properly.

Diego Oliveira player

Q, how do you feel after the game?
A, I think we had a good game against the strong opponent Kawasaki. There were times when we were able to surpass them and we created many scenes where we could take shots. However, it is very frustrating that we couldn't score a goal and ended up losing. I think it will take time for the new style of soccer to become widespread, so I want to gradually improve and connect it to the next game.

Q: Do you feel any sense of accomplishment from today's game despite the long duration?
A, I think it has become clear what everyone understands that they were able to express the soccer that the coach is looking for even a little in this game. However, I think it will take time to put it into shape, so I want to value daily practice and want to quickly lead to results.

Q: It appeared that there were instructions coming from the bench during the first half. What were they like?
A, I can't say about that (laughs). There were some parts that needed to be fixed at the beginning, and we shared that among the players. From there, I think we were able to create chances, especially from the start of the second half. Unfortunately, we couldn't convert them into goals, so that's the result of today's match. We were talking about that during the game.

Q, Diego TABA player also created many chances, and simply the number of chances increased. What do you need to finish it off?
A, I think it is true that chances are increasing due to the current style and tactics of football, but we still need to score goals. We need to continue what we are working on and improve the team, as well as ourselves, even if it's just a little bit. Today's result was frustrating with a score of 0-1, but I want to aim for a higher level of completion where we can score quickly and win.

<Yasuki KIMOTO player>

Q, first of all, please review the game.
A, it is frustrating to have lost as a result. On the other hand, I feel a sense of fulfillment for being able to play the soccer that I am aiming for, and I think it was a game that will lead to the next one.

Q, how did you feel about the start of the game, which seemed a little chaotic?
A, the team was prepared for the tough times, and we were able to create opportunities in the beginning, but we were trying to fix it on the pitch by encouraging each other. As time went on, I think we were able to control the game. It was the opening game, so I was a little stiff myself, so I want to control the game from the beginning in the next match.

Q. During the pre-season, we have been repeating trial and error, and I think there were certainly some errors in this game as well, but there was also a sense of progress, don't you think?
A, there were no major mistakes, and I think the way the mistakes were made will lead to the next mistakes. I think the scenes where we conceded goals were the result of the opponent's superior quality.

Q, I think it was a scene where we wanted to prevent the goal, but what do you think?
In the midst of a situation where we were pushing forward, we have had experiences where the result was determined by just one set piece. That's why I think we needed a bit more patience in order to keep a clean sheet.

Q, there were goals conceded from set pieces, but as the last line of defense, do you feel that there was a sense of accomplishment?
A chance was created for Kawasaki's powerful attacking lineup, but in the second half, I feel a sense of accomplishment as they did not allow any decisive scenes to be created. It was a fulfilling 90 minutes.

Q: Next is the home opening game. Please tell us your enthusiasm.
I think the team is coming together and moving in a good direction, so while continuing to level up, I want to fight for victory in each game, aiming to show soccer like today's in the next match.