アルベル監督・森重真人選手・バングーナガンデ佳史扶選手<br />


Manager Alberto, player Masato Morishige, player Kashif BANGNAGANDE
Post-prayer interview response comments

<Coach Albert>

Q, please tell us about the thoughts written on the votive tablet.
A, as a value of my life, I believe that the only and most important thing that we humans can ask for from any religious god is health. I think that each individual must make an effort in other aspects. I seek that every religion values the importance of caring for the people around us, being morally upright, making efforts, and cherishing our loved ones. However, there are parts that we can control and parts that we cannot. Our own health is something that we cannot control alone. If gods exist, I sincerely pray to all of them to grant me good health. I want to pray to the gods to have a better and healthier life. Everyone may ask the gods for titles, but if all teams rely on the gods to win titles, it will lead to conflicts among the gods. We should avoid that. It will cause a war among the gods. Therefore, I do not ask for victory or titles. I want to pray to the gods for my own health and the health of everyone involved in the team. As for other aspects, I want to make steady efforts.

Q: Have there been any prayers for victory at other teams?
In my country, there are many Catholics, and there is a custom for players and staff to visit a church at the start of the season to pray for health and safety, similar to Japan. When I was the Academy Director of FC Barcelona, all players and staff from every category of the academy would visit a church called Montserrat in the mountains of Catalonia when the season started. There is a wonderful children's choir there, and it is a custom to listen to their beautiful singing and pray for health and safety. There are various religions in different regions, but every religion has similar customs, and in that sense, I think all humans are the same.

Q: This will be the second season for the coach himself. How would you assess the team's maturity through the training camp?
A, it is progressing smoothly as I expected. I have a feeling that we can start better by utilizing the base we have built up in the previous season. The goal for this season is to consistently produce good plays and good results in a stable manner, along with the style that is currently being established. I also want to incorporate a winning mentality that the entire club is committed to. I believe that when it firmly takes root, we will be able to achieve great success in the not too distant future. There is no doubt that we are moving in a good direction. However, just because we are moving in a good direction does not mean we can win the league. Please do not misunderstand. As for winning the championship, I cannot guarantee it and I would like to refrain from commenting. However, I can guarantee that we will continue to fight with a strong determination to win each and every game in front of us.


Q: When you come to pray for victory, do you feel that the opening is finally here?
Before the pandemic, we used to come to Meiji Jingu Shrine together at this time, so I am happy that all the players were able to come here together for the first time in several years.

Q: It was written on the votive tablet that there were no injuries for a year, but are you still concerned about injuries?
A, because it is a place where we ask God, there are times when we cannot do anything about injuries ourselves, so we ask for help there, and as for the results of soccer, it depends on us, so we want to win it ourselves.

Q: How do you want to spend this season as a team?
A, of course, we will aim for the championship and we will continue to fight for it. I think it is important to accumulate victories in every game in order to win the championship, and I want our team to demonstrate consistent strength throughout the year without losing to ourselves.

Q, how about as an individual?
As an individual, I think I can play for a whole year at 100 percent if I can do it without getting injured, so I want to prepare myself thoroughly and do my best.

Q: How is the team's maturity level throughout the camp in the second season under Coach Albert?
A, this season we are focusing on quality and building up the finer details. During the camp, we were able to firmly identify our strengths and weaknesses, so it is important for us to continue to push ourselves throughout the season.

Q, please tell us your enthusiasm for this season.
First of all, if everyone can give 100% of their effort throughout the season, I believe we can definitely compete for the championship and reach the top. First and foremost, we want to firmly establish the mindset of giving our all every day and put pressure on ourselves while doing so.

Q: This year, you are the "nen-dan" (a person who turns a certain age in a specific year). How do you feel about being able to continue playing football until this age?
A, I still think I can do more, and I want to make it a year of bouncing in the Year of the Rabbit.

Q: Shinji KAGAWA has returned to Cerezo Osaka. How do you feel about the J-League comeback of players from the same generation?
First of all, I'm glad that Kelly has come back to the J-League and I want to work together to make the J-League more exciting. However, he is a player that I don't like to face, so I want to control his characteristics and greatness that I have known since a long time ago. I'm really looking forward to the match against him.

Q: This is your second year as a professional player. How would you evaluate your personal growth over the past 12 years?
A, 12 years ago, I was 24 years old, but I don't think it was a very good age. However, as I have grown older, I have been able to experience various things, so I want to express that as a result.

Q, by the way, it was the season when we won the J2 League 12 years ago.
Is it the season of winning the J2? Well, I think that year was good, right? I hope to win the championship for the first time in 12 years. 

<Kashif BANGNAGANDE player>

Q, how was the victory prayer after the J-League opening?
We have come this far after preparing from the camp, and now we are finally two weeks away from the opening. It was my first time praying for victory since becoming a professional, but I hope to make it a good season by firmly asking God for his blessings here.

Q: What do you want to win, even though it is written as "win" on the votive tablet?
A, both in terms of the game itself and in various situations where we win, such as a one-on-one match right in front of us, I wrote this because I wanted to emphasize its importance within myself this year.

Q: I think there were also matches where you played as a starter throughout the camp. How did you feel about the camp overall?
A, in terms of results, I was able to assist in the game several times and I think I was evaluated for that and got the opportunity to play in the first team several times, so I think that was good. However, there are top-level players in the same position, and those players are also producing results, so I don't know if I can stay until the end, so I want to appeal for results until the opening.

Q, do you have any specific goals as an individual?
A, as a personal goal, last season in the J-League, I had 1 goal and 2 assists, but personally, I have always wanted to increase the number of goals and assists compared to last season.

Q, please tell us your enthusiasm for this season.
A, as written on the votive tablet, I want to give my all in each and every match in front of me, not only winning in personal battles but also seeking more victories for the team, and finish with good results by keeping the momentum at maximum from the opening.

Q: How do you feel about the Paris Olympic generation and the second round of World Cup qualifiers for the national team?
A, I was able to go on overseas expeditions last season as well, and if I can achieve results with the team, I can be called up. I believe that if I can play for the team, I can also play for the national team, so I think the team is the most important. First, I want to achieve results with the team, have the coach see that, and if I am called up, I hope to give my all.

Q, did you have any thoughts after watching last year's Club World Cup in Qatar?
A, the Club World Cup that I used to watch until I was little was a distant existence, but when I saw Nagatomo, who I always play with in the same position, performing on that stage, I thought it was amazing. I have set Nagatomo as a standard in myself, thinking that I have to surpass him to stand on that stage, and it has been a great motivation for me.

Q, the accuracy of crosses has improved considerably, and I think you originally said that you wanted to make that your weapon. How do you feel about the current situation?
A, last season, the accuracy of crosses gradually improved, and I was able to create several chances by fitting in with the players coming inside. Since the camp, my own sense has also improved, so I want to further refine that aspect and contribute to assists and goals this season.