Q, only a few days left until the opening.
A, it felt like it went by in an instant. Although I don't think I'll truly realize the season has started until it actually begins, right now I don't feel any nerves and I have a strong desire to give it my all.
Q: Last season, did you gain significant experience by playing in a certain number of matches?
A, yes. I think it was significant that I was able to play consistently in matches last season and gain various experiences.
Q: Do you find it easier to imagine how to play the game because you have gained a lot of experience?
A, I was able to participate in the Urawa game last season, so I have some idea.
Q: Every player I've talked to says they feel quite confident. I've heard that you've mainly focused on the attacking side, but how do you feel about the current state of the defense as a defensive player?
A, I feel that we are often able to take the initiative and have an advantage in the attack compared to last season, whether we are watching from behind or actually participating in the attack. Instead of adjusting to the opponent's movements, we have a good sense of being able to play the way we aim for.
Q: Is it safe to say that the team has gained confidence as the tactics have started to permeate?
A: Yes, that's right. We have a shared understanding as a team, and I think what we have built up since last season is starting to take shape as confidence in "we can do it". I feel the growth both individually and as a team while playing.
Q: The attacking position is higher than last season, right?
A, last season, I didn't have many opportunities to become the starting point of attacks from the side, so the coach told me that by doing so, I can increase my goals. I have been conscious of that since the training camp. Also, I think we are gradually taking shape. I am good at attacking myself, so it is natural for me to defend, but I am enjoying it a lot because I can participate in the attack more than last season.
Q, I think it's important not to concede goals. As a defensive line, it's necessary to consider balance and play.
A, it is natural to have zero goals conceded, but instead of being too defensive, I think if we can play attacking football while taking control, we can eliminate goals conceded. In order to reduce goals conceded, it is necessary to improve the quality of defense, but I also think it is necessary to improve the quality of attack and ball possession.
Q: How do you feel about the league championship this season, considering what you've heard from the players?
A, it's not that we're not aiming for the league championship, but it's important to fight each and every match as if it were the final round, and the coach also tells us that. I've been playing with that awareness since the training camp, so if each individual can win in one-on-one situations or in such situations, I think we can naturally achieve great results. First of all, I'm only thinking about winning the opening match and getting off to a good start.
Q, are you feeling the most fulfilled so far and are you calm in a good way?
A, there is not much calmness. There is a little bit of impatience, but there are more positive worries, and I think I have been involved in games since returning last season, so in that sense, I feel the most fulfilled.
Q, I have seen you thoroughly pondering when you are troubled, so I think the phrase "positive worries" is a really good word.
A, I can now see it as a positive worry, or rather, I can have a positive perspective. Just having strong-minded players like Yuto NAGATOMO around me has made my own thinking more positive. Before, I used to focus too much on negative things and gradually became more negative, but now I feel like I have a very positive mindset.
Q: Rather than seeking advice, is it more about being in the same space and naturally being influenced while practicing?
A, there is a feeling of being naturally drawn in, and I truly feel that they are amazing people.
Q: The opening match has finally allowed 100% capacity and unrestricted cheering from all seats. What do you think?
A, just before the corona disaster, I felt the atmosphere by being on the bench in the away game against Shimizu in my first year as a professional. However, I did not play in that game, and it will be the first time in my life to play a game with the audience in the entire stadium, so I am looking forward to what will happen if I can play in the game. I am looking forward to the opening game at Ajinomoto Stadium, as I have never been on the bench before.
Q: Is the opening different when you enter the starting lineup frequently from the beginning?
A, up until now, there have been many irregular camps due to injuries or the Levain Cup final, and it is the first time that I have been involved in a starting lineup competition from the beginning. In that sense, I think the camp felt like a moment. I feel stronger about the opening game compared to before.
Q: I feel like there has been an increase in plays where the player is connecting with the midfielders and breaking through while moving forward.
A, I have been playing more in the front, and I have been repeating trial and error during camps and practices. It is not perfect yet, but I am gradually starting to grasp it intuitively.
Q: How is your relationship with player Morishige?
A, as you can see, he is a great player. He clearly watches and adjusts his play according to Morishige's movements. Instead of trying to play in sync with Morishige, he watches and adjusts his play when he starts moving. We are conscious of believing in him to make the best choice when we create various options, so we run.
Q: I think you are absorbing and growing in various ways.
A, until now, when I moved up to the top team, the fullbacks were actively involved in the attack and defense in Hasegawa Moto's soccer, but since becoming coach Albert, it has completely changed. I am playing a type of soccer that I have never played before. The fullbacks think and move inside, stick to the sides, and switch with the defensive midfielders. I didn't really think about playing like this before, so at first I was not confident, but on the other hand, if I can absorb this type of soccer, I believe it will greatly expand my potential. From last season, little by little, I think the range of my play has expanded compared to before I met coach Albert.
Q: When I interviewed Keigo HIGASHI, I asked about the characteristics of each player, and he said that if he could become someone whose personality changes when he steps onto the pitch, despite being a kind person off the field, he might become the best full-back in the world.
A, I don't feel that there is so much kindness on the pitch, but I also think it would be good if I could be more aggressive. I want to be conscious of being able to peel off this year, as I am also told by everyone.
Q: What is your goal for this season?
A, I will clearly keep it within myself.