

The final match of the Levain Cup group stage is a crucial match for Tokyo, as it will determine their advancement to the prime stage and serve as a fresh start.

Tokyo, who suffered three consecutive defeats in the latter half of the league season, has invited Mr. Peter CKLAMOVSKI as their new commander. Due to registration issues, he will not be able to sit on the bench for the Kyoto Sanga F.C. match, and Takayoshi AMMA, the head coach, will temporarily take command in order to advance to the prime stage.

Although it is a match that connects to the new commander, it is also a crucial moment that directly affects the title, and the result is strongly demanded along with the improvement of the soccer content. First of all, it is urgent to improve the defense, as we have conceded 9 goals in the last 3 league matches. It is not something that can be fixed by simply focusing on defensive situations, but it is necessary to control the balance of the formation, including the attack, and we want to break the flow that leads to conceding goals from simple mistakes.

In terms of attack, it's not that there are no chances at all, but rather, we are interrupting the flow that could lead to decisive moments with simple mistakes as mentioned earlier. We want to realign the team's direction once again and make small adjustments on the pitch to ensure that there are no mistakes in coordination and other aspects.

And above all, Kyoto is a team that excels in intensity and vertical propulsion, making it difficult to take the lead when they gain momentum. As Kei Koizumi said after the previous match, "There are many reasons for the loss, but losing in situations like ball contests made the game difficult." Before questioning tactics and strategies, Tokyo's challenge is to fully demonstrate their fighting spirit and strong desire for victory.

Although the commander was replaced, the club aims for a certain level of continuity. They want to possess the ball, take the initiative themselves, and entertain the viewers with an attacking style of soccer while winning. While focusing on the results, they want to make the upcoming league match next week a battle where they can build up their performance in every aspect, even if it's just a little, towards a new start.

[Interview with Head Coach Takayoshi Amma]

Q, please tell us what you emphasized to the players while temporarily taking command.
First, we reviewed the footage of the recent Gamba Osaka match. In particular, the scene of the second goal. We were caught on the counterattack after losing the ball, and the ball went out of bounds for a throw-in. Despite Gamba Osaka not restarting quickly, they were able to supply a cross freely, and although there were players in front of the goal, there was a gap in marking. While conceding goals from crosses is a challenge for the team, we shared the current situation with the players. With the appointment of Peter CKLAMOVSKI as the new coach, it is essential to turn things around from here on, but regardless of the coach or tactics, the players must approach the game with a focus on transitioning between offense and defense, winning duels, and maintaining high concentration. We also discussed the perspective of preparing for the next match this week and thoroughly working on the basics. From Tuesday's training, we emphasized the basics of "transition, duels, and hard work." We also talked about igniting the team's engine by playing with high intensity in transitions and duels.

Q, please tell me the factors that contributed to the weakness in the base.
A, it can be considered from various perspectives, but they are naturally doing their best to meet the demands. Of course, there are no players who are fooling around or lacking motivation. However, I think there was a weakness in how they maintained their motivation. Motivation and enthusiasm are limited, and it is necessary for them to lift themselves up and enhance their motivation and mental state to at least a minimum level in order to win the game. Without realizing it, it is human nature for motivation to gradually decrease even if they are not slacking off. I have once again conveyed to the players the importance of approaching the game with high motivation.

Q, please tell us about the tactical aspects you shared with the players.
This was a game where advancing to the group stage was at stake, so we couldn't win just by trying hard. Therefore, we built a "system" in terms of attack and build-up. It is very difficult to explain the system only in words, so we first incorporated it into practice for the players. We shared the design of how to deal with situations on the field and then explained it through videos and verbal communication, which I believe increased the players' understanding. For some players, we systematized their positioning and involvement in both offense and defense. We shared the minimum principles of defensive positioning, but we also allowed for creative deviations that occur on the pitch, and we shared the central aspects as a whole. There was a change in coaching staff this week, but the players approached training with a professional attitude. I can feel their passion to win, and their faces have brightened up.

[Player Interview]
<Player Masato MORISHIGE>

Q, what points did you organize this week in preparation for the Kyoto Sanga F.C. match?
A, we have enhanced our own condition for tomorrow's match and confirmed the minimum commitments in offense and defense. As a fundamental premise, it is important for each player on the pitch to work hard in offense and defense. When watching the review footage of the match, I felt that even a slight deviation or a relaxation in mindset could lead to conceding a goal. I want us to once again focus on running together as a team and giving our all in the game.

Q, this is an important match that will determine whether we advance to the group stage.
A, I prioritize winning and want to fight for the fans and supporters who come all the way to the away games. I think there have been changes in the coaching staff, and I believe that everyone is feeling frustrated. I want to show our fighting spirit and results to those who support us.

Q, Takayoshi AMMA Head Coach will temporarily take command in the Kyoto match.
A, YasumaThe head coach, Yasuma, has been communicating with us about the details and nuances of our play as we approach the Kyoto match. We have been able to share our thoughts with Yasuma during practice, and he has been sharing his final decisions with the players. I believe we have good communication.

Q: Please tell us what the team emphasized in training this week.
A, it is about working hard together in both offense and defense. We confirmed everything by watching the footage, including the transition between offense and defense. When we watched the footage, we were able to reconfirm that even plays that we thought we were able to do during the game, we were actually just thinking that we were doing them. It was important that we were able to share past plays where we weren't able to do anything as a team, and emphasized that we will face the Kyoto match with determination after acknowledging that.

Q: How will you start as the season reaches the halfway point?
A, yesterday, it was announced that Peter CKLAMOVSKI has been appointed as the coach. I think that expressing the soccer that Coach CKLAMOVSKI aims for to the maximum will become a trigger for improvement. We players also think, "We can't end it here like this," so we want to demonstrate the strengths of the team and each player.

Q, this season, we have been playing against Kyoto in the league and Levain Cup. What kind of game do you want to play tomorrow?
We are also receiving tactics and instructions from Coach Yasuma, so the players are prepared to express them in the game. We want to embody them in tomorrow's match and end with a victory.

<Taishi Brandon NOZAWA>

Q, I have played in every match of the Levain Cup so far. Please give us your personal reflection.
A, as we play more games, we reflect on our performance and feel the growth and change. We were focused on achieving results from the first match of the Levain Cup, but as we played more games, we also focused on improving the quality of our play, not just on our obsession with results. It may be a small change in each game, but I think it's good that we are able to build on it and compete.

Q, please tell me what you want to be conscious of as a goalkeeper in the Kyoto Sanga F.C. match, where victory is an absolute condition.
I think it is necessary to bring stability and composure to the team. In addition, I want to focus on risk management and defensive care while expressing the team's aggressive play and boldness in attack. It is important for the team to fight with a good balance, but I also want to boost morale by protecting the goal in critical situations.

Q: In the previous Levain Cup match, we won 5-0. Please tell us your impression of Kyoto once again.
A, Kyoto impresses with a high intensity of pressure from the front line. I think it is important for us to withstand the opponent's defense as a team, firmly hold the ball, dominate the game, and continue to challenge. If we can lower the opponent's defensive line even a little against Kyoto, I think it will become negative for them and we want to increase the time we push forward by not losing in plays that the opponent dislikes and battles for the ball.

Q, please tell us your enthusiasm for the game.
This is a match where victory is necessary to advance to the group stage. I hope that the team can come together and approach the game with momentum.