"I want to become even bigger, become the best full-back in the world, and wear the blue and red uniform again, so that I can stand on this (Ajinomoto Stadium) pitch."
It has been a long time since that tearful speech from the 2010 season. The flow from blue and red, started by Yuto NAGATOMO, continued to accelerate towards the world.
In the 2019 season, Takefusa KUBO, who transferred to Real Madrid, stood in front of the microphone at rainy Ajinomoto Stadium.
"Since returning to Japan, I have been playing mostly in Tokyo. At first, I didn't want to go to practice and there were tough times. It wasn't all good, but I am very proud to be able to fly the flag of Tokyo and become a professional soccer player. I think it has been 4 and a half years since I came to Tokyo, and it has been a very intense time that made me not want to go to Europe. It was a difficult decision, but I am proud of my decision and I will never forget my time in Tokyo... Thank you very much."
With those words as a souvenir, I prepared for my journey and became a passenger on the plane.

Each person packs their dreams and hopes into their luggage and sets off on a journey. Kubo also has a goal in mind, but he never verbalized it, saying "But it's meaningless if I can't make it happen." The only dream he ever spoke of during his time in Tokyo.
"There is a player that everyone admired as a child. I want to become that kind of player someday."
The original draft I drew at the time ended with the sentence, "Takefusa KUBO may soon become a new role model for children who burn with passion for the rolling ball."
After that, he stood on the pitch of the World Cup Qatar tournament after years and months, and this season he is also fighting on the stage of the UEFA Champions League as a member of Real Sociedad. Undoubtedly, "TAKE", who has become a target of children's admiration, will show us even more adventures from here.
And, after leading the way, Nagatomo kept his promise and returned to Tokyo in the summer of the 2021 season, 11 years later. That is why this club has always expressed its feelings and pride.

"We must show our never-give-up attitude and spirit. It is also a tradition of Tokyo. We, who have inherited various things, must demonstrate it. I think supporters will be moved by our dynamic movements and earnest attitudes as we move forward. We want to deliver that."
There is a big back that points the way forward for the blue and red that has marked a quarter of a century. The soil that nurtured Yuto NAGATOMO and Takehide KUBO has entered the next cycle.
Text by Tadashi BABA (Freelance Writer)
【25 Years of History】Special Column is here
25 Years of History vol.1 Things to Never Forget
25 Years of History vol.2 The Road to Our First Title
25 Years of History vol.3 Blue Tokyo
25 Years of History vol.4 What We Gained from Relegation and Promotion
25 Years of History vol.5 The Path to Move Forward