

The final match of this season was held at Lemon Gas Stadium Hiratsuka, where Shonan Bellmare faced off against each other. In place of the suspended Yuto NAGATOMO, Kosuke SHIRAI played as the right back, while Tsubasa TERAYAMA made his first league start in four months as a defensive midfielder. Kuryu MATSUKI, who had just returned from a suspension, was also chosen to play as the attacking midfielder.

It has been a difficult season since the 2017 season, but we want to end it with a win. We want to play aggressively to deliver 3 points to the blue and red fans and supporters who have come all the way to away Hiratsuka.

1stHALF - Gradually pulling the flow with persistent defense

Shonan Bellmare's momentum won as they approached their final home game. They started off sharp and were able to recover second balls. However, towards the end, Tokyo gradually pulled the pace in their favor and increased the number of scenes ending with shots instead of allowing them.

In the 9th minute, Adailton's header from Matsuki's corner kick missed the target. In the 12th minute, Adailton carried the ball on a counter attack and passed it to Diego OLIVEIRA in the center. Diego, facing forward in front of the goal, took a powerful shot with his right foot but couldn't find the target.

The first half continues with a back-and-forth battle without any movement in the score. Both teams are creating attacking opportunities, but mistakes are occurring in the finishing and build-up process, resulting in a lack of clear chances and a scoreless first half.

2ndHALF - First Tokyo Goal by Koizumi Brings Victory After 5 Matches

In the second half, which was welcomed without player substitutions, Tokyo actively attacked. Matsuki dropped back to the midfield and pulled out the ball, and the number of times Diego and Adailton made runs towards the goal increased in response to the signal of a vertical pass.

In the 2nd and 5th minutes, there were decisive shots in the area. In the 2nd minute, Diego TABA took a powerful shot with his right foot, but it was saved by the opponent's goalkeeper. In the 5th minute, Tsubasa TERAYAMA, who had jumped in from the 3rd row, aimed for the goal but only hit the outside of the side net. However, Tokyo did not let up their attack and scored the opening goal in the 7th minute. Masato MORISHIGE, in the final line, made a long feed. Adailton, who had broken through, created time on the left side and Kei KOIZUMI, who had jumped in front of the goal, calmly dribbled past the opponent's defender and scored.

After gaining a one-point lead, the team was able to control the game and advance the clock, including the substitute players who entered. Soma ANZAI, who was specially designated, and Kanta DOI, who made his J1 debut, also showed impressive performances.

In the end, we were under fierce attack from Shonan, but our focus today was amazing and we were able to secure a shutout victory until the end. It was our first "1-0" victory since the Sec. 22 match against Cerezo Osaka, and we grabbed our third away win of the season.

As a result, we accumulated 3 points for the first time in 5 games and finished in 11th place.



<FC Tokyo>

GK Taishi Brandon NOZAWA
DF Kosuke SHIRAI/Yasuki KIMOTO/Masato MORISHIGE/Kashif BANGNAGANDE (35th minute: Kanta DOI)
MF Kei KOIZUMI/Tsubasa TERAYAMA (27th minute: Keigo HIGASHI)/Kuryu MATSUKI
FW Teruhito NAKAGAWA (31st minute: Soma ANZAI)/Diego OLIVEIRA (27th minute: Naoki KUMATA)/Adailton (27th minute: Jája Silva)

GK Tsuyoshi KODAMA

7 minutes into the second half: Kei KOIZUMI

Shonan Bellmare
GK Son Bom Gun
DF Takuya Okamoto (27th minute of the second half: Sho Fukuda)/Kazuki Oiwa/Min Tae Kim/Kazunari Ohno/Daiki Sugioka
MF Masaki Ikeda (27th minute of the second half: Akito Suzuki)/Akimi Barada (12th minute of the second half: Kohei Okuno)/Taiyo Hiraoka (12th minute of the second half: Junnosuke Suzuki)/Hiroyuki Abe
FW Yuki Ohashi



[Peter Cklamovski Coach Press Conference Comments]

Q, please look back on today's game.
A, I think we were able to perform well and play worthy of winning. We had a lot of respect for our opponent, Shonan Bellmare, and we were able to respond well and keep a clean sheet. In the midst of that, I think we were able to create good scenes by using the space we wanted to use well. I think the players fought firmly with their own efforts and strong beliefs, and gave everything they had.
We are proud to have shared the victory with all of our fans and supporters. We were able to send a good victory for Adailton, a special player who has contributed to this club.

Q, Tsubasa TERAYAMA started in the league match for the first time in a while.
A, while working hard, he paid attention to the details. His play was something he had shown during practice, and I thought it was a play that deserved to be in the starting lineup. I think he worked hard to make the most of his abilities.

Q: please review the goal scene.
A, In scenes such as build-up, I think we were able to play well while controlling ourselves. If we could enter that position near the goal, we knew what the opponent would do, so I think we were able to make a good play within that. I think we were able to go out to dangerous places, and it was Kei KOIZUMI's best goal. And I think it was a great team goal.

[Player Interview]

Q, What was your mindset going into the last game in Tokyo?
A, Regardless of today being my last game as a Tokyo player, I played as usual in order to end the game with a good result. As a result, thanks to all my teammates, I was able to secure a victory in my last game in Tokyo. I am extremely happy to have finished my last game with a win. I would like to thank all my teammates.

Q, there were many breakthroughs utilizing the speed and power that are characteristic from the first half.
A, We have been working on Shonan Bellmare's measures in this week's practice. We were conscious of taking the opponent's defenders behind and worked on the practice. My teammates also passed the ball to me while watching my movements, and I think the results of the practice were shown.

Q: Please review the scene where Kei KOIZUMI assisted in scoring.
A, I think it was a scene that came out of the part that was done in this week's training. It was a pass from Masato MORISHIGE, and the pass that was given to Koizumi, who ran in, was the best pass considering where to pass.

Q, after the match, the calls for Adailton did not stop. Please give a message to the fans and supporters.
A, Although it was the last game, I am filled with gratitude for all the fans and supporters who cheered for me. Despite coming from a faraway country, I always feel the support from many people, and today I felt that they were expressing their gratitude to me. It was very heartwarming and made me realize that choosing Japan as my country was not a mistake. Thank you very much.

<Kei Koizumi player>

Q, After the first goal since the transfer, we were able to pull off a victory after about 2 months. Please reflect on the goal, including the choice of shot, and how it led to the score.
When I received the ball from Adailton, I hesitated whether to shoot right away or not. But then I saw the opponent closing in, so I decided to take the option of dribbling the ball. As for the shot, to be honest, it was all about feeling. I didn't think too much and just trusted my instincts to take the shot. I'm glad it went in.

Q, the hard work on both offense and defense shined. Please review the entire game.
A, there are areas to improve such as building up and being aware of the back, but the most important thing is to work hard, defend well, and show fundamental plays such as not losing in duels with a sense of unity. It was a game worthy of victory.

Q, Please tell us the reason why player Koizumi, who is known for his strong defense, was able to advance to that position and connect to a goal.
A, Adailton made a move on the side, so I also sprinted to match it. I saw an open space and Adailton was in a one-on-one situation, so I advanced with the awareness to support from the midfield position. It was good that my attacking mindset led to a positive outcome.

Q, In the first half, it seemed like we received the ball in a low position and there were many attempts to supply the front line and shut down the opponent's midfield.
A. Throughout the match, there were certainly some tough moments, but we were able to show our determination in the end. We were able to maintain communication for the full 90 minutes. If we had been able to play like this throughout the season, we may have had different results and rankings. Personally, I feel like I haven't been involved in enough attacks throughout the season. I regret not being able to contribute more from the beginning.

In recent practices, I have been taught by Keigo HIGASHI about how to be involved in attacks and positioning before receiving the ball. Thanks to his excellent communication skills, I was able to understand and play in today's game. In Tokyo, there are many outstanding players, including HIGASHI and young, energetic players like Tsubasa TERAYAMA and Kuryu MATSUKI. Regardless of whether they are veterans or young players, I want to absorb what I can and make it my own. I cannot grow solely on my own. I want to use this reflection to improve myself for the rest of the season.

<Tsubasa TERAYAMA player>

Q: Starting in the league match for the first time since April 1st against Sagan Tosu, how was the game in retrospect?
It was my first time starting in a while. I think I was chosen to start because of my performance in daily practices and practice matches, so I tried to play in a way that would meet expectations. There were still some areas that I need to improve on, but I also did a lot of things well, so that was good.

Q, What specific things were you able to demonstrate in today's match through the accumulation of daily training?
A, this is the part of hard work and switching between offense and defense that is always demanded by coach Peter CKLAMOVSKI. I have been conscious of it and have been working on it in practice, so I think I have been able to do it to some extent. However, I feel that there is still room for improvement in terms of the number of times I touch the ball and my attitude of jumping out in front, so I want to continue to improve in the future.

Q, In the first half, there were many responses to Shonan Bellmare's 2 shadows, what were you conscious of?
A, I think my strength is to crush the opponent forward who received a vertical pass and take the ball, so I was conscious of crushing and recovering the ball in defense. Today, there were many scenes where I could recover the ball, so it was good.

Q, Did you change your mindset during halftime or in the second half when you participated in more attacking scenes?
A, during halftime, we discussed within the team that in order to win, we need to score points. We were conscious of increasing the number of times we jumped out of the pocket, which was not enough in the first half. Holding the ball in a high position and being able to continue attacking with secondary and tertiary attacks also contributed to our victory.

<Player Soma ANZAI>

Q, how did you approach the difficult situation of coming on as a substitute in the match in Tokyo, after a long time?
A, I had a strong desire to make up for it personally because I had ended up in a frustrating way when I played in the J1 League before. Although I didn't have many opportunities to be involved with the team this season due to being registered as a specially designated player, I wanted to prove that I was fighting as a member of Tokyo. It was great to win because I wanted to deliver a victory to the fans and supporters who supported us throughout the season no matter what.

Q, I think there were many parts where the strengths of Soma ANZAI were utilized.
A, I have played many times as a side back, but this time I played as a wing in a higher position. Wing is also a position I often play at Waseda University. Since we were leading 1-0, I focused on creating time and using my strength of breakthroughs when I had the ball. In terms of defense, when I came on as a substitute, it was a tough time even though we were winning, so I was particularly conscious of fighting for the ball.

Q, Did you feel any difficulties during the period of participating in practice, which was not very long, and playing from a substitute position?
It was my first time playing with Kosuke SHIRAI on the right side, but I was able to organize what I needed to do. While watching the Tokyo game, I imagined various situations, so when I played, I had to communicate with my teammates to solve them. I think it was good that I was able to communicate with SHIRAI and others.

Q, How do you want Anzai to grow in the future?
A, I mentioned it when I joined, but I want to become a player who can convey my feelings to those who are watching. Ultimately, I want to become a player who can deliver victories.

Q, please give a message to the fans and supporters who came to the away ground today.
A, I was only able to participate in 4 games this season, but just like my debut game, the cheers from the fans and supporters really gave me strength. I wasn't able to achieve the results I wanted, but I am filled with gratitude towards the fans and supporters who cheered for me throughout the season, regardless of whether it was a home or away game.