PLAYERS FILE 2024<br />



Graduating from the time of continuous worries
Aiming for the top between calmness and passion
DF 4 Yasuki KIMOTO

A special content introducing all the blue and red warriors challenging the 2024 season. What are the players, who are about to start the season, thinking and what determination are they bringing into the year? The stories of the players, who hold in their hearts their love for the club, their thirst for titles, their aspirations for success, and the roles they must fulfill──. After experiencing the frustrations and struggles of last season, Yasuki KIMOTO has gained a new perspective. While reflecting on his current position, he is passionately ignited to reclaim his position and win titles. His performance, balancing calmness and passion, is a must-see.

The quiet man's mouth is smooth. From last season, where there was a lot of time to worry, he now has a refreshed expression and his words flow smoothly. Yasuki KIMOTO carries both composure and passion, and is preparing for the start of the 2024 season.

In the 2022 season, which was his first season, he firmly secured a regular position from the opening and defended the center back position throughout the season. However, in the last season, he was expected to make further progress and started in the opening game, but his position suddenly changed in the second half of the season. He struggled to adapt to the style demanded by coach Peter CKLAMOVSKI and lost his position, leading to a period of struggle.

However, without seeking reasons or causes from those around me, I faced myself and found a solution, and by the end of the season, I had made a big transformation. I gained a new perspective.

"Last season, there were times when nothing seemed to go well and I ended up falling apart. But towards the end, I changed my mindset and thought, 'Even if things don't go well, there's nothing I can do about it.' This actually led me in a positive direction. By approaching things in this way, I feel like my appearance has changed and I feel much better. Anyway, this season, I want to give it my all. I truly believe it's a mental battle with myself."

The words of a man who has shed his skin naturally contain passion.

"I have reached the veteran stage and have come to understand that there will be good seasons and bad seasons. Whether I am playing or not, my main focus is always on doing my best for the team to win. I also believe that our generation needs to have more awareness and continue to work hard. Above all, I strongly desire to win and bring home a title in Tokyo, so I want to keep my focus on that."

Possessing both strength and height, he can serve as the starting point for build-up play with accurate feeds and sharp vertical passes. His abilities as a center back are unquestionable. In order to secure a regular spot and become a key player in defense, Yasu fights with his emotions on full display.

Text by Daisuke Suga (El Golasso)