GAME RESULTMatch Results

Sec. 26 2010/10/16 (Sat)
Audience 17,182 people 
Weather: sunny, with a low temperature of 22.6 degrees and humidity of 39%. 
Referee: Yoshiro IMAMURA Assistant Referee: Toshimitsu YASUMOTO / Haruhiro MAENOSONO Fourth Official: Takuto OKABE

J1 Sec. 26



Vegalta Sendai


Match ended

First half1-1

Second half2-1


FC Tokyo

ベガルタ仙台 FC東京
30' Yong Gi RYANG
86' Eliseu
90' Fernandinho
Scorer 10' Masashi OGURO
60' Nakahara Takayuki → Fernandinho
81' Tomita Shingo → Hirase Tomoyuki
86' Park Joo-seong → Tamura Naoya
Player substitution 64' Masato MORISHIGE → Naotake HANYU
77' Naohiro ISHIKAWA → Kentaro SHIGEMATSU
86' Masashi OGURO → Toshihiro MATSUSHITA
14 Shoot 12
5 CK 4
14 FK 12
06' Ryo SAITO
75' Erik
Warning 86' Kentaro SHIGEMATSU
Vegalta Sendai starting lineup
GK 16 Takuto HAYASHI
DF 25 Naoaki Sugai
DF 6 Elisew
DF 2 Kamata Jiro
DF 27 Park Joo-seong
MF 17 Shingo Tomita
MF 31 Saito Daisuke
MF 11 Kunimitsu Sekiguchi
MF 10 Yong Gi RYANG
FW 9 Takayuki Nakahara
FW 24 Shingo AKAMINE
Vegalta Sendai Substitute
GK 22 Sakurai Shigeru
MF 7 Naoki CHIBA
MF 23 Naoya Tamura
MF 8 Atsushi Nagai
MF 18 Takahashi Yoshiki
FW 14 Tomoaki Hirasé
FC Tokyo Starting
GK 20 Shuichi Gonda
DF 6 Yasuyuki KONNO
DF 17 Young Gwon KIM
MF 18 Naohiro ISHIKAWA
MF 16 Ricardinho
FW 39 Masashi OGURO
FC Tokyo Substitute
GK 1 Hitoshi SHIOTA
MF 19 Yohei OTAKE
MF 22 Naotake HANYU
FW 32 Shunsuke MAEDA

[Player and Coach Comments]

A match that neither team can afford to lose in the first game after the league resumes! 

 League 26th round, played away against Vegalta Sendai. After winning the Emperor's Cup match against Kitakyushu on October 11th, they achieved their second consecutive victory in the league, along with the Shonan match, which is the second official match victory this season (following the Nabisco Cup qualifying matches on June 6th against Kyoto and on the 9th against C Osaka). There were still remaining challenges and areas for improvement, and it cannot be said that they have completely overcome the difficulties in the league, but there should have been a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment that can only be obtained through winning. The players all spoke with a strong determination, saying, "We will approach the next 9 matches as if it were a tournament," and they want to build on the confidence gained from the consecutive victories and accumulate points as a team. On the other hand, Sendai is currently in 13th place with 27 points. Since they were eliminated in the 2nd round of the Emperor's Cup, they have been preparing for this Tokyo match, including holding a training camp after the 25th round. It is certain that this match is also a "must-win game" for Sendai, as their position in the standings may change depending on the result. Coach Okuma analyzed, "Sendai's strength lies in their sharp and accurate counterattacks. They also have height in the front line. They don't have the image of taking a lot of time in their attacks, but their full-backs' attacking runs are powerful, and in some ways, they are similar to Tokyo." For Tokyo, Konno, Gonda, and Kim Young-gwon have returned from national team duties, and Kajiyama and Hanyu have recovered from injuries in the Emperor's Cup. Coach Okuma talks about the sense of response brought about by new stimuli, saying, "The return of injured players has changed the mindset of other players. Competition has emerged, and the atmosphere has become tough but good." In terms of attack, they want to avoid allowing the opponent to counterattack, not lose the ball carelessly when attacking, and finish with a goal as much as possible. They want to break down the opponent's defensive line with powerful attacks that are coordinated and switch between fast attacks and build-up play using passing. As Coach Okuma aims for, increasing the number of chances should lead to a higher goal-scoring rate, not only as an individual challenge but also as a team effort to resolve the lack of scoring ability. It is expected to be a tough game, but they aim to start the game with concentration from the beginning, not be overwhelmed by Sendai's home momentum, and strive for victory with a spirited fight! The match started with Sendai's kickoff at 14:04 at Yurtec Stadium Sendai.

Take the lead with Daikoku's goal, but get caught up and draw at halftime

 From the beginning, both teams showed passionate play and engaged in attacking exchanges. In the midst of this, Tokyo took the lead early on. In the 9th minute, from Ishikawa's right corner kick, Hirayama struck a header that was cleared by Sendai's defense. Then, from this right throw-in, Ricardinho crossed the ball, and Daigo Nishi twisted his body in a nearly back-headed position to score a header! With this skillful shot by Nishi, Tokyo took the lead. They continued to connect their attacks from focused defense. In the 18th minute, from Imamura's right free kick, Mukuhara advanced and delivered a low cross. Daigo Nishi ran into the goal area and volleyed the ball that bounced once, but it went wide of the goal... In the 26th minute, from Tokunaga to Mukuhara's cross to the right corner kick. From Ishikawa's kick, Imamura headed the ball forward, and Daigo Nishi tried to shoot, but the ball went wide as he lost his balance. However, when Sendai regained possession of the ball, they quickly sent it to their forwards, Akamine and Nakahara, and gradually launched a strong attack. Tokyo also carried the ball forward from counterattacks, and as the intensity increased on both ends of the field, they reached the 30th minute. Tokyo lost the ball to Sendai from a clearance, and Saito, the defensive midfielder, struck a powerful long-range shot. The ball grazed Gonda's hand and hit the right post, but the first to react to the rebound was Sendai's midfielder, Yanagi. He slid into the left area and scored... Tokyo's defense was a step too slow in their response, and they were equalized in an instant due to a momentary defensive lapse.

Despite taking the lead with Hirayama's winning goal, they conceded consecutive goals in the final stages and suffered a comeback defeat.

 先に追加点を奪いたかった後半だが、52分に中村が中盤から仙台DFの裏を狙ってアーリークロスを送る。これに合わせて平山が相手DFの間を巧みにすり抜け、ピンポイントのボールをヘッドで合わせてゴール!またもや早い時間に、狙いどおりの形で勝ち越しに成功した。だが仙台は気落ちすることなく、徹底して前線にボールを集め、反撃に出る。59分には仙台FW赤嶺の力強いポストプレーから、MF関口に決定的なシュートを打たれるが、権田の好セーブでピンチを逃れる。  64分には羽生を投入したが、仙台もMFフェルナンジーニョ、FW平瀬と、攻撃力のある選手を投入。その中で徐々にラインが間延びし、仙台の勢いを食い止めることができず。それでも権田を中心に集中して守っていた東京だが、終盤の86分、前線でキープできずに逆襲をくらい、東京陣内でFKを与える。仙台MF梁が前線に送った鋭いキックに対して、権田が飛び出したが触ることができず。その背後に抜け出した仙台DFエリゼウに押し込まれてしまい同点に。  これでさらに勢いを掴んだ仙台に対して、東京は落ち着きを失う。90分には仙台MF斉藤の右クロスを、中央のFW赤嶺が東京DFに囲まれながらも頭で落とす。これに合わせて右エリアに走りこんだMFフェルナンジーニョを掴まえきれず、フリーでシュートを決められ…。常にリードする展開で試合を有利に進め、狙い通りの展開ではあったが、終了間際に立て続けにゴールを割られ、痛すぎる逆転負けを喫した。  【選手コメント】《平山》「勝利で終わりたかった。(J1・100試合出場での記念ゴールだが?)得点は狙っていた形。決めることができたのはよかったが…。3失点目は防げたと思う。自分もセットプレーの守備など、90分間全部守れるようにしなければいけなかった。ただ、2失点目を決められたときに、みんなすごく落ち込んでいた。そこで勝ち点1でもいいと、精神的に割り切ることができなかった。自分もだが、やっぱり勝ち点3が取りたいという思いもあって、前はカウンターを仕掛ける、後ろは引くという形になってしまった。もう少しボールをつないで…という時間を作れればよかったと反省する」  《大黒》「常に先行する形で試合を運べたところまではよかったと思う。相太が2点目を取った後、回せる時間もあったし、いいサッカーができていた時間もあった。3点目を奪ってトドメを刺すチャンスもあったが、自分を含めてそこで決めきれず、最後はこういう結果になった。でも前向きに進んでいくしかない。一丸となって気持ちを切らさず、次に向かいたい」  【大熊監督の会見要旨】「試合の持っていきかたに関しては、自分もチームもいい方向性に向いていたと思います。サッカーは分からないという意味で、やはりミスが出るとあのような失点に繋がると試合前に言っていました。それをなかなかチームとして補えなかった。最後まで耐えるものがないというのは、今後検証しなければならないし、チーム力を上げて残りの試合を戦っていきたいと思います」  【仙台・手倉森監督の会見要旨】「残留争いをしている当該チーム同士の戦い。我々がホームで東京を迎えた時に、プレッシャーのかかる大一番。プランとして、彼らは下にいるけれど決して力のないチームでは無い。我々はしっかりとした手堅い守備から隙を突く。無失点にこだわって先制点を取りたい。そのような入り方をしました。それと当該チーム同士でそう簡単にスコアは動かないと思っていましたが、立ち上がりの失点ですぐに動いてしまった。そうなった時に、東京はリードする度にブロックを組んで守備をすることを優先してくれた。それによって、我々もボールを動かすことができて、前半のうちにリズムを取り戻せて、同点にすることができた。  後半の仕切り直しをした時も、また同じように自分たちで与えた失点。そこでも選手は萎えずに、集中を切らさずに、勝ち点3を目指して最後まで戦ってくれた。ホームでサポーターが勝ち点3を信じて後押しをしてくれたこと。それがやはり最後の神がかった状況になったのだと思います。この勝利を残り8戦につなげていきたいと思います」