
Announcement: Yuto Nagatomo will appear on the TV show "Sekaiichi Uketai Jugyo" broadcasted on Nippon Television on January 21st (Saturday)

Yuto NAGATOMO will be appearing on today's broadcast of Nippon TV's "Sekaiichi Uketai Jugyo". Please be sure to watch.

【Broadcast Station/Program Name】
Nippon TV / "The Most Useful Lesson in the World"

【Broadcast Date and Time】
Jan 21 (Sat) 19:00~
※Broadcast content may be subject to change. Please note.

【Player Introduction】
Player Yuto NAGATOMO

【Broadcast Content】
Special Extracurricular Lesson! Learn "Techniques to Train Your Mental Strength" from Teacher Yuto NAGATOMO
Special Extracurricular Lesson by Yuto NAGATOMO, a player of the Japan National Football Team for the 2022 Qatar World Cup!
"Mental Monster" Professor Nagatomo will teach you "3 Techniques to Train Your Mental Strength"!

【Program URL】