
[U-15 Fukagawa] Italy Expedition Day 2

On the second day of the expedition, on the 15th (Mon), we will take a walk to acclimate our bodies to the local time and experience the climate and culture of Italy.

We had breakfast and then moved by bus for about 10 minutes to do training. All players and staff members sweated and enjoyed while confirming their condition.

In the afternoon, I went shopping at the supermarket and actively challenged myself in communicating in Italian and English.

After that, we had a 35-minute half training match with a local team. Although we won the match, there were still many remaining challenges, so it was a good opportunity for us to reflect on ourselves once again.

After dinner, many players seemed sleepy due to jet lag. However, since there are night games during the tournament, we held a meeting to adjust to the time difference. During the meeting, each player gave a 2-minute speech. They shared their own challenges, thoughts on the team and teammates, goals and determination for this expedition, and other personal thoughts in their own words. There were also words that we don't usually hear, and I have a feeling that we will be able to work together with a stronger sense of unity starting tomorrow. The activities for the second day of the expedition have concluded.