On Aug 5 (Sat), we held a "Summer Festival" at FC Tokyo Park Fuchu in Fuchu City.
On the day, Hotaka NAKAMURA player visited and a signing event was also held.
"Stamp rally" around Mitten Fuchu and specialty store street Foris, "Tokyo Dorompa Fluffy" installed on Keyaki Namiki, rooftop "Ennichi Mini Game", etc., various events were held and more than 2,000 people participated.

At the autograph session attended by Hotaka NAKAMURA, there was an exchange with fans and supporters. Many people who wished for his recovery from injury gave words of encouragement to Hotaka NAKAMURA.

Hotaka NAKAMURA player also gave a demonstration at the rooftop mini-game event and livened up the venue.

At FC Tokyo Park Fuchu, we hold events every month for various people.
We look forward to your participation.
◇Facility official HP is here
※We update and share facility event information and staff blogs daily.
◇The official facility Twitter account is here

FC Tokyo Park Fuchu
1-41-2 Miyamachi, Fuchu City, Tokyo
TEL: 042-314-1380 (10:00-22:00)
EMAIL: info@fctokyoparkfuchu.jp
WEBSITE: https://www.fctokyoparkfuchu.jp/
【Official Twitter Account】
FC Tokyo Park Fuchu @fctparkfuchu
FC Tokyo is looking for partners who can sympathize with FC Tokyo's hometown activities and work together for the community and the future of children.
◇For more details, click here.