On September 23, 2023, in the 28th Sec. of the Meiji Yasuda J1 League, we will be cooperating with the Tokyo Welfare Bureau to support the promotion of the "Help Mark" campaign at the Sagan Tosu match (kick-off at 15:00 / Ajinomoto Stadium). We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation.

□Implementation Details
1.Help Mark Awareness Goods "FC Tokyo Collaboration Design Original Cross" Distribution
Tokyo Dorompa and Help Mark will distribute an original design cross in collaboration. It can be used as a glasses wipe or for cleaning smartphone screens.

【Distribution Location】
AO-AKA PARK supported by TOKYO GAS Ajipanda Square (Distribution by staff inside the venue)
※Ends as soon as it runs out
【Distribution Time】
2.Help Mark Awareness Video Broadcast
We will broadcast a Help Mark awareness video on the large screen before the match.
□About Help Mark
This is a mark created to make it easier for people who use prosthetics or artificial joints, have internal disabilities or rare diseases, or are in the early stages of pregnancy, and who need assistance or consideration but cannot be seen from their appearance, to inform those around them and make it easier to receive assistance.
For more information, please visit the Tokyo Metropolitan Welfare Bureau website.