2015.8.02[Top Team]

Practice Match Result against Shonan Bellmare

Today (8/2), a practice match was held between Shonan Bellmare and another team at Shonan BMW Stadium Hiratsuka starting from 15:30 (45x2).
In the first half, the team moved the ball through Kono and Nozawa, creating chances from both sides.
From the right side, Hiraoka showed a breakthrough utilizing his speed, while on the left side, Tanabe and Ogawa approached the opponent's goal with dribbling.
All players work hard in defense and do not give the opponent any openings with powerful plays on the ball.
In the second half, just like in the first half, they started the game with a sharp start but couldn't capitalize on the early chances.
Gradually, Shonan took control of the game from the midfield battle, and in the 35th minute of the second half, they scored a spectacular half-volley from the loose ball of a right corner kick outside the penalty area.
Tokyo wants to counterattack, but they have been struggling to control the pace. They conceded another goal in the 43rd minute of the second half and the game ended like that.
Lost 0-2.

The results of practice matches can be found here.

【Score】FC Tokyo 0-2 Shonan Bellmare
