
Announcement of "FC Tokyo Volleyball Home Game Watching Bus Tour" at Kami-igusa Sports Center

The club will hold the "FC Tokyo Volleyball Home Game Watching Bus Tour" at the Kami-igusa Sports Center, where the club is involved in management as a designated administrator.
Why don't we go together to support and watch the FC Tokyo volleyball team?
We will hold a watching lecture by a coach in the car so that even first-time visitors can enjoy watching.
We look forward to your participation.

"FC Tokyo Volleyball Home Game Viewing Bus Tour"

TAC Suginami City Kami-igusa Sports Center ~ Sumida City General Gymnasium
TAC Suginami City Kami-igusa Sports Center: 3-34-1 Kami-igusa, Suginami-ku, Tokyo
Sumida General Gymnasium: 4-15-1 Kinshicho, Sumida-ku

For elementary school students and above
※Participation is only available for elementary and junior high school students.
If a seat is reserved for a preschooler, they will be charged the same participation fee as elementary and middle school students.

Number of recruits:
30 people

Jan 31, 2016 (Sun)

11:00-17:00 (scheduled)

□Accompanying Staff:
Hiroki Takahashi (FC Tokyo Volleyball Team Outreach Department Coach) and others

Participation Fee:
500 yen/elementary and junior high school students 1,500 yen/high school students 2,500 yen/adults
※About the cost
- Includes the cost of watching tickets and round-trip bus fare from Kami-igusa Sports Center to the gymnasium
- Food and drink expenses are not included

□Application Method:
Please apply by phone or email to TAC Suginami City Kami-igusa Sports Center, or come directly to the facility reception.
・Telephone: 03-3390-5707
[Subject] "FC Tokyo Volleyball Home Game Watching Bus Tour"
【Main Text】1, Participant Name (Furigana) 2, Age 3, Phone Number (Mobile phone or other contactable on the day) 4, Within or Outside Suginami City

This will be a viewing in the FC Tokyo cheering section. Please note that cheering for other teams and bringing in merchandise is not allowed.
For other information such as the schedule and precautions on the day, please check the event flyer from the various classroom event information section on the Kami-igusa Sports Center website.
【Kami-igusa Sports Center Homepage】

TAC Suginami City Kami-igusa Sports Center Contact: Morimoto and Ohtani