School Features

Fostering "skill" improvement and "heart"

To improve the technical skills of soccer, we will provide individualized instruction based on each person's level. Through soccer, we will foster a caring heart for teammates and a never-give-up attitude.


See more about the school's features

Target Class/Grade

Standard Class

Class Grade Example
Kindergarten U-4・U-5・U-6 U-4 is only held at Fuchu Saturday course. U-5 and U-6 are held at all directly managed schools.
Junior Elementary School Grades 1-6 There are soccer and futsal schools. Futsal is held on Wednesdays and Fridays in Fuchu.
Junior Youth Junior High School 1st to 3rd Grade Fukagawa Monday Course, Amino Vital Tuesday Course are held.

High Level Class

Class Grade Example
School Selection Elementary School Grades 3-6 A class where you can grow by competing and improving with highly skilled peers. This is a class that can only be entered by those recommended by the school coach.
Advance Elementary School 4th-6th Grade Class focused on "individual development" aiming for joining FC Tokyo Academy and becoming top players. This is a class for those who have passed the open selection.

Other classes with participation requirements

Class Grade Example
Aozora Elementary School Grades 1-6 This is the class for those attending special needs classes.
Girls Elementary School Grades 1-6 This is a women-only class. It is held on Fridays at Kamishakujii Course.
Women's Junior high school students and above This is a women-only class. It is held on Fridays at Kamishakujii Course.

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Membership Process

  • STEP1

    Free Trial Application

    To experience the atmosphere and instruction of the venue and class, we offer a free trial.

  • STEP2

    Experience Date Selection

    If there are vacancies in the desired class, the office will contact you by phone or email.

  • STEP3

    Experience Day

    Experience participation in the venue and class.

  • STEP4


    Please follow the procedures according to the membership materials provided during the experience.

View the membership process



School Report


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Contact Us

FC Tokyo School Office
2-15-10 Sarue, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0003

(Business hours: Mon-Fri [excluding holidays] 12:00-19:00)

School Experience and Membership Application Here