第14節 2011/5/28(土)
観衆 5,330人
天候 雨、無 気温 20.3度 湿度 94%
主審:中村 太 副審:相葉 忠臣/間島 宗一 四審:窪田 陽輔
J2 第14節


京都サンガF.C. | FC東京 | |
20' 内藤 洋平 |
得点者 |
14' 梶山 陽平 30' 田邉 草民 37' 大竹 洋平 58' 田邉 草民 |
51' 秋本 倫孝 → 加藤 弘堅 58' 中村 充孝 → ドゥトラ 69' 中山 博貴 → 鈴木 慎吾 |
選手交代 |
79' 羽生 直剛 → 谷澤 達也 85' 梶山 陽平 → 上里 一将 90'+2 今野 泰幸 → ジェイド ノース |
9 | シュート | 10 |
2 | CK | 8 |
10 | FK | 18 |
46' 染谷 悠太 85' ドゥトラ |
警告 |
43' 梶山 陽平 75' 中村 北斗 |
退場 |
GK | 1 | 水谷 雄一 |
DF | 6 | 染谷 悠太 |
DF | 3 | 森下 俊 |
DF | 16 | 福村 貴幸 |
MF | 19 | 内藤 洋平 |
MF | 4 | 秋本 倫孝 |
MF | 7 | チョン ウヨン |
MF | 15 | 中山 博貴 |
FW | 10 | ディエゴ |
FW | 31 | 久保 裕也 |
FW | 23 | 中村 充孝 |
GK | 21 | 守田 達弥 |
DF | 32 | 内野 貴志 |
MF | 11 | 鈴木 慎吾 |
MF | 18 | 加藤 弘堅 |
FW | 25 | 伊藤 優汰 |
FW | 9 | ドゥトラ |
FW | 28 | 金 成勇 |
GK | 20 | 権田 修一 |
DF | 2 | 徳永 悠平 |
DF | 3 | 森重 真人 |
DF | 6 | 今野 泰幸 |
DF | 14 | 中村 北斗 |
MF | 4 | 高橋 秀人 |
MF | 10 | 梶山 陽平 |
MF | 27 | 田邉 草民 |
MF | 19 | 大竹 洋平 |
FW | 22 | 羽生 直剛 |
FW | 9 | ロベルト セザー |
GK | 1 | 塩田 仁史 |
DF | 26 | 阿部 巧 |
DF | 33 | 椋原 健太 |
DF | 36 | ジェイド ノース |
MF | 32 | 上里 一将 |
MF | 35 | 下田 光平 |
MF | 39 | 谷澤 達也 |
東京は、鈴木が負傷のため代わりに大竹が先発に。また「サイドからのバリエーションが必要(大熊監督)」と、徳永を右サイドバックに、中盤のアンカーとして高橋を配する4-1-4-1に近い布陣で臨むことに。前節でロベルト セザーの突破や羽生の裏に抜ける動き、田邉の積極的な仕掛けなど、連動した場面は増えた。今後は精度を高め、繰り返して仕掛けることで決定的なチャンスにつなげていきたい。
Tokyo Aim To Rediscover Form In Kyoto
F.C.Tokyo took on Kyoto Sanga FC in the 14th. game of the season. In response to a lengthening injury list Tokyo had begun to fashion a passing game in the previous outing against Shonan Bellmare and although that match had ended in a draw encouraging signs were clearly visible. To what extent that performance could be improved upon to earn a win and three points was the key question going into today's game.
Following relegation from J1 last year opponents Kyoto Sanga were attempting a swift return under manager Takeshi Oki with a passing style of football. The results had failed to materialise leaving the side in 18th. place at kick off with a W1 D2 L4 record but the feeling remained that Kyoto were a promotion rival of Tokyo. The side boasted a sharp, skillful attack of Diego, Nakamura and Dutra behind lone striker Kubo, the latter having netted twice despite being registered with the second team.
An injury to Suzuki meant Otake started for Tokyo. Citing a need for more variation on the wings, manager Okuma lined his team up in something close to a 4-1-4-1 formation with Tokunaga at right back and Takahashi protecting the defence. Tokyo were hoping for further improvements of the positive displays from the Shonan game: Cesar's penetrative runs, Hanyu's movement behind the opposition defence and Tanabe's positive attacking play, together with an increase in the overall accuracy and more decisive finishing.
Nishikyogoku Stadium was the site of a painful defeat in the final game of 2010 but Kiyoshi Okuma urged restraint on his players, "We can never forget the regret we feel but playing here and now we can't let our feelings overcome us. It's important to produce a performance good enough to win the game".
The home side kicked off shortly after 4pm on a wet afternoon.
前半から、互いにパスをつないで攻め合った。一進一退の展開となる中、京都にスピード感のあるカウンターをくらう場面もあったが、14分、梶山が左エリアで相手を引きつけ、外側に上がった田邉へ。田邉は一歩持ち出し、ゴール前にマイナスのパスを送る。これを梶山が落ち着いて決めてゴール! 梶山と田邉との連係を活かして先制点を奪う。
しかし20分、左エリアから京都・MF中山にシュートを打たれる。権田が一度はセーブするが、そのこぼれをMF内藤に詰められて失点…。試合は振り出しに戻った。だがここで慌てず、守備のバランスを修正して攻撃につなげる。27分には、こぼれを拾った梶山がエリア手前で対面する相手を切り返し、中央でフリーのロベルト セザーへキラーパス。決定的な場面だったが、セザーのシュートは相手DFをかすめてわずかに枠外に…。
Kajiyama, Tanabe Otake On Target In First Half
Both sides began the game passing the ball around to build attacks. The match ebbed and flowed, with Kyoto looking sharp on the counter attack, until the 14th.minute when Kajiyama drew the home defence towards him on the left of the penalty area, before slipping the ball out to Tanabe, overlapping on the wing. Tanabe took a touch then pulled the ball back to Kajiyama who swept it past Mizutani in the Kyoto goal to give Tokyo an early lead.
That lead was short-lived. In the 20th.minute Kyoto midfielder Nakayama shot from the left of the area and although Gonda made a good save midfielder Naito pounced on the loose ball to restore parity. Tokyo remained calm, adjusted the defensive balance and continued to pass the ball forward. In the 27th.minute Kajiyama picked up a loose ball just outside the Kyoto area and turned a defender inside out before sliding a perfectly-weighted ball through to Cesar. Cesar shot but his effort struck a defender and bounced agonisingly the wrong side of the post.
Tokyo maintained the pressure and won a corner in the 30th.minute as Kajiyama attacked Nakamura's cross from the left. Otake stroked the ball beyond the ruck of players in the goalmouth and Tanabe, unmarked, powered a header past Mizutani for his first J.League goal. Tokyo extended their lead further in the 37th.minute as Otake reacted fastest to pounce on a loose ball following an early cross from Morishige, prodding home from close range. Kyoto applied some pressure as half time approached, drawing fine saves from Gonda but Tokyo retained their two-goal cushion as the first period finished 3-1.
後半も序盤は京都にパスを回されることになったが、ここで焦らず、危険な位置への進入を防ぐことで対応。50分には大竹が左サイドから中に持ち込み、少し距離のあるところからシュートを放ったが、右に切れる。58分には田邉が大竹とのパス交換から相手をかわして左前線のロベルト セザーへ。この折り返しにきっちりと合わせて、田邉はこの日2得点を挙げ、リードを広げた。
その後は京都がボールを支配する時間が長くなるも、連動した守備でボールを奪いカウンターを仕掛ける。66分には、前線に抜け出そうとするロベルト セザーが自らドリブルで前進、エリア内に進入してシュートを放つが、GKのセーブに阻まれる。73分には中央に上がった大竹が、右エリア内に抜け出したロベルト セザーにパス。相手DFに寄せられるも粘り強く落とし、タイミングよくフォローした梶山が、エリア直前からダイレクトで合わせたが、枠外に…。
徐々に互いに疲れも見え始めたが、東京は谷澤、上里を投入。つなぐことでリズムが生まれ始め、ほぼ試合を支配。5点目こそ取ることはできなかったが、ロスタイムには初出場となるジェイド ノースを投入。自分たちの時間で試合を進め、危なげなく試合をクローズ。田邉、大竹がきっちりと期待に応える結果を出し、一挙に4得点。西京極では2002年10月以来となる勝利を収めた。
Tanabe Bags A Brace As Tokyo Run Out Comfortable Winners
Although the hosts began the second half in the ascendancy Tokyo prevented them from attaining any seriously threatening positions. In the 50th.minute Otake cut inside from the left and let fly from distance. In the 58th.minute Otake and Tanabe exchanged passes in midfield before the latter rounded an opponent and moved the ball out to Cesar on the left. Cesar played the ball back to Tanabe who finished neatly to net his second of the game and extend the score to 4-1.
Thereafter Kyoto enjoyed long periods of possession while Tokyo were content to defend and pick their moments to counter attack. In the 66th.minute Cesar evaded the Kyoto defence and raced into the penalty area, a decent save from Mizutani denying Tokyo another goal. In the 73rd.minute Otake brought the ball forward before picking out Cesar's dart through the home defence on the right; Cesar showed admirable strength and technique to hold off a defender and slip the ball back to Kajiyama who shot narrowly wide from the edge of the penalty area.
As both teams began to tire, Tokyo responded by introducing Yazawa and Uesato. The moves improved the rhythm and the visitors began to dominate the game as it entered the final stages. Jade North made his first appearance for Tokyo in added time. A fifth goal failed to materialise but Tokyo comfortably held onto the lead, running down the clock to earn an impressive victory, their first at Nishikyogoku since 2002.
Players' comments
"I was able to get forward more than in the last game and as a team we attacked more. Cesar tried to get behind their defence and drag them about while we showed greater desire to get into more advanced positions. At the corner that led to the first goal I took up a position hoping to pick up the ball if it ran loose. Nobody came to mark me though so I managed to make eye contact with Yohei ( Otake ) and he delivered a brilliant ball to the perfect place. Heading's not my strong point so I'm really pleased that it went in.
For the second goal I was able to reach the ball before the defender. I had the ball at my feet and was going to play it to the right but changed my mind and played it to Cesar on the left; he knocked it back first time and I got a good trap on the ball.
Was that second goal vital for the team? It's definitely true that mistakes happen when teams are playing the ball around so having the lead gives you some breathing space. Kyoto had a lot of possession in the second half, moving the ball around, so when we began to dominate again towards the end it made the game easier for us. It's felt good working with Yohei in training to develope an understanding between us and then today we worked it well so that when I went forward he got into space and received the ball facing the goal. We scored four today but what we do from here is important. I want to do my best to produce high quality football and win consecutive games".
"It was my first start of the year so I was absolutely determined to get a result when I got on the field. I also felt confident in my ability and I feel I can't be satisfied yet, that I can do much more. Everyone in the team is equal. For the goal, the ball just landed at my feet so it was lucky, I think. At the corner, I saw Sotan was free just as I was about to hit the ball. If players can't get free at set plays then it's difficult to score so shaking off the markers means you have a chance. We had a lot of corners in the first half so I really wanted us to take advantage of them. Scoring from set plays really makes the game much easier for the team. The only negative was the way we gave the ball away too much when our opponents were really pushing to get back into the game. We also need to seize the initiative more. We now have to carry over today's performance into the next match".
F.C.Tokyo manager Kiyoshi Okuma
"We hadn't scored many this year so it's great to get four today. However, I felt that we didn't win the ball in promising positions, if you consider winning the ball to be the starting point of an attack. We have a lot of players comfortable in possession so if our opponents' workrate drops then we can pass it around. Even if they hadn't tired in the second half I still felt we lacked some positioning and power in midfield in the first period, due to the change in the make-up of the team. We should have looked again at the areas where we won the ball.
Did I feel the difficulty of playing in J2? We were fortunate today in that we scored our second goal. The emphasis on changing from defence to attack is much higher in J2 and that means scoring a second goal is the key. Like we did today, we have to gain a numerical superiority, switch the play and add variety to our attack through the middle, otherwise teams will defend deeply and try to hit us on the counter attack. That's the way forward and we'll be preparing to continue to do that from now on".
Kyoto Sanga FC manager Takeshi Oki
"We began both the first and second halves well, and scored from a good move to equalise quickly after falling behind. Then, a poor clearance and conceding from a set play meant we had to come back from 3-1 at half time. The players seemed a little down at half time when they came back into the changing room. Of course, if you're three down it's difficult to score four but if you get one then the difference is only two. We had two goals to catch up and 45 minutes to get them in but the players seemed a little lacking in energy, I felt. Soon we conceded again and the game developed into a counter attacking pattern. Tokyo played a little deeper and didn't really bring the ball forward so much. Later on they enjoyed far more possession and we struggled in attack. We find ourselves in a worrying position but we can't be downhearted and have to prepare as best we can for the next game".