第37節 2011/11/26(土)
観衆 24,241人
天候 晴、無 気温 11.1度 湿度 41%
主審:飯田 淳平 副審:手塚 洋/竹田 明弘 四審:山内 宏志
J2 第37節


FC東京 | ジェフユナイテッド千葉 | |
77' ルーカス |
得点者 | |
57' 田邉 草民 → ロベルト セザー 76' 石川 直宏 → 鈴木 達也 89' 羽生 直剛 → 上里 一将 |
選手交代 |
80' 村井 慎二 → 林 丈統 82' 久保 裕一 → 坂本 將貴 89' ファン ゲッセル → 佐藤 祥 |
14 | シュート | 5 |
8 | CK | 2 |
30 | FK | 19 |
87' 椋原 健太 |
警告 |
35' ファン ゲッセル 49' 山口 慶 74' 久保 裕一 75' 山口 慶 |
退場 |
75' 山口 慶 |
GK | 1 | 塩田 仁史 |
DF | 2 | 徳永 悠平 |
DF | 3 | 森重 真人 |
DF | 6 | 今野 泰幸 |
DF | 33 | 椋原 健太 |
MF | 4 | 高橋 秀人 |
MF | 22 | 羽生 直剛 |
MF | 18 | 石川 直宏 |
MF | 27 | 田邉 草民 |
FW | 39 | 谷澤 達也 |
FW | 49 | ルーカス |
GK | 31 | 常澤 聡 |
DF | 14 | 中村 北斗 |
MF | 32 | 上里 一将 |
MF | 35 | 下田 光平 |
FW | 9 | ロベルト セザー |
FW | 11 | 鈴木 達也 |
FW | 38 | 坂田 大輔 |
GK | 1 | 岡本 昌弘 |
DF | 3 | 竹内 彬 |
DF | 4 | 青木 良太 |
DF | 27 | 渡邊 圭二 |
DF | 33 | 茶野 隆行 |
MF | 6 | ファン ゲッセル |
MF | 11 | 米倉 恒貴 |
MF | 13 | 山口 慶 |
MF | 19 | 村井 慎二 |
FW | 22 | 久保 裕一 |
FW | 9 | 深井 正樹 |
GK | 21 | 大久保 択生 |
DF | 2 | 坂本 將貴 |
DF | 15 | 福元 洋平 |
MF | 14 | 太田 圭輔 |
MF | 25 | 佐藤 祥 |
FW | 16 | 林 丈統 |
FW | 18 | 青木 孝太 |
リーグ第37節が開催。ホーム最終戦を迎え、ジェフユナイテッド千葉と対戦する。前節鳥取戦の勝利で3位以内が確定。同時に翌日には、他カードの結果によって優勝も決定することになった。その優勝の「実感」を自ら掴みとるためにも今日は勝利で終えたい。アウェイ戦のリベンジを果たすだけでなく、味スタでの今季無敗もかかる試合になるが、これまでと同様に一試合ごとに成長する気持ちを失わず、強い気持ちで勝利に向かう。 ただし、左ふくらはぎを痛めた梶山が大事をとって欠場に。そのためボランチには羽生を起用。FWには谷澤が入り、サイドは田邉と、前節欠場した石川が務める形で臨むことになった。 対する千葉は、現在勝ち点55で7位に。すでに3位以内の可能性はなくなり、今節は消化試合ともいえる状況だが、ただし天皇杯ではJ1磐田に対して勝利し、4回戦に進出。また今日はFWオーロイとDFマーク ミリガンが出場停止。MF佐藤勇も欠場する一方で、フレッシュなメンバーのモチベーションは高そうだ。布陣はセンターバックをDF竹内と青木、左サイドバックにDF茶野、右にDF渡邊。中盤のアンカーにMFファン ゲッセル、その前にMF山口と村井。FW久保を最前線に、両サイドをMF米倉とFW深井が務める変則的な4-3-3の形。 特にFW久保を起点に2列目からの飛び出しと鋭いカウンターには注意が必要だ。そのケアをするためにバランスや攻めている途中での失い方には気をつける必要があるが、主導権を握ることで対抗したい。積み重ねてきたサッカーを発揮する戦いで勝ち切りたいところだ。夜になり、冷え込む味スタ。試合は17時34分に千葉のキックオフでスタートした。
Tokyo Aim To End Season In Style
Jef United Chiba were the visitors to Ajinomoto Stadium for the of the year. Following the victory over Tottori that confirmed Tokyo's promotion on the previous Saturday other results conspired to crown the club J2 champions on Sunday afternoon. With the title in the bag the side was determined to finish the season unbeaten at Ajinomoto Stadium with a win and to gain a measure of revenge for a defeat in Chiba earlier in the campaign.
Kajiyama had suffered a calf injury and was rested, Hanyu taking his place in central midfield. Yazawa played in a striking role with Tanabe and the returning Ishikawa on the flanks.
Chiba lay in with 55 points at kick off. Despite all hopes of promotion being extinguished the match was far from a dead rubber as the side had kept its season alive with a victory over J1 Jubilo Iwata to earn a place in the 4th.round of the Emperor's Cup. Regulars Aaroy and Mulligan were suspended, while Yuto Sato started on the bench, allowing squad members a chance to stake a claim to a place in the first team. Takeuchi partnered Aoki in central defence with Chano on the left and Watanabe on the right of a back four protected by defensive midfielder Van Gessel. Yamaguchi and Murai filled out the midfield with Yonekura, Kubo and Fukai in attack in a 4-3-3 formation.
Forward Kubo, with his sharp bursts from midfield on the counter attack, was the danger man for the Tokyo defence to guard against. Maintaining the team balance and not losing the ball when pushing forward would be vital for the home side who would also need to seize the initiative to dominate a game that was an opportunity to demonstrate the qualities developed over the course of the year.
Evening brought a chill to the stadium as Chiba kicked off shortly after 5:30pm.
前半はボールの奪い合いが続いた。立ち上がりこそ前から厳しいプレスをかけてきた千葉だが、それに対して東京も慌てずに対応。落ち着いて自分たちのリズムをつかもうとした。千葉も徐々にきっちりと守備ブロックを固め、コンパクトな布陣に。その千葉に支配される時間帯もあったが、互いに厳しい守備で自由にさせなかった。 東京は19分、FKを谷澤がクイックリスタートし、羽生、ルーカス、谷澤の連係から左エリアの田邉がチャンスを迎えるがトラップがわずかに長くシュートは打てなかった。22分には自陣に下がってつなごうとした谷澤が奪われ、千葉のカウンターを受ける。MF村井のドリブルをくいとめられず、強烈なミドルを打たれるが、塩田のセーブでCKに逃れる。28分には千葉のカウンターからFW深井にパスをとおされ、ドリブルで左エリアへの進入を許すが森重が素早くカバーに入り、シュートは枠外に。 その後も粘り強く千葉の勢いある速攻を抑え、羽生やサイドバックの攻め上がりを中心に攻撃に転じたが、前線での連係がかみ合わない場面やミスもあり、千葉のブロックを崩すには至らず。スコアレスで前半を終了した。
Defence Dominates In Tight First Half
The game began with possession changing hands rapidly. Chiba pressed hard from the front but Tokyo refused to panic and attempted to build a rhythm. As the game progressed the visitors gradually tightened their block defence, maintaining a compact formation. Although Chiba did enjoy some periods of possession defence dominated in a chance-free opening quarter.
In the 19th.minute Yazawa, Lucas and Hanyu combined to set up Tanabe from a quickly-taken free kick but the young midfielder's first touch was heavy and the shooting opportunity was squandered. Yazawa lost possession in the 22nd.minute allowing Chiba to launch a rapid counter attack. Murai dribbled forward and unleashed a fierce low drive that Shiota tipped around the post at full stretch. Chiba threatened again on the counter in the 28th.minute as forward Fukai took the ball inside the Tokyo area on the left. Morishige was smartly across to cover and forced Fukai to snatch at his shot which sailed well wide.
A gritty and spirited Chiba side continued to threaten with their speed on the break and although Tokyo responded through the sidebacks and Hanyu the attack stuttered and failed to penetrate the solid Chiba defence. The first half ended scoreless.
ルーカスが得意のホームでゴール! 主導権を握り、味スタにて無敗!!
その直後の57分に田邉に代わってロベルト セザーがイン。61分には羽生の前線のパスに合わせてセザーがエリアに抜け出したが、シュートは勢いがなく…GKのセーブに阻まれる。65分には千葉・右サイドバックからのクリアを高橋が奪い、ミドル。右上ぎりぎりに飛び、相手GKの片手に阻まれたかに見えたが…千葉のゴールキックに。
Home Boy Lucas Grabs The Winner As Tokyo Go Unbeaten In Ajinomoto Stadium
In contrast to the first half Tokyo carved out two excellent openings as the second period began. In the 47th.minute Tokunaga crossed, Hanyu knocked the ball down and Ishikawa shot. Less than a minute later Hanyu played in Tanabe on his left with a superbly-timed pass as Tokyo pushed forward at pace; both chances were clear-cut but neither were taken and the game proceeded at 0-0.
Takahashi intercepted the ball in midfield in the 57th.minute and Ishikawa moved it on to Hanyu who shot narrowly wide from outside the Chiba area. Moments later Roberto Cesar replaced Tanabe. A long ball over the top of the Chiba defence from Hanyu in the 61st.minute allowed Cesar to show his pace and sprint clear of the visitors’ backline; with only Okamoto to beat Cesar's attempt to place the ball beyond the onrushing keeper lacked power and was easily saved. In the 65th.minute Takahashi swung a boot at a headed clearance some 25 metres from goal; the shot seemed desultory at first until it appeared to be arrowing towards the far top corner, forcing Okamoto to backpedal rapidly and seemingly tip it over the bar. The officials awarded a goal kick to Chiba.
Tokyo continued to press without finding a way through. Their fortunes took a sudden upturn in the 75th.minute as Chiba midfielder Yamaguchi earned a second yellow card and was sent off. The home side ruthlessly exploited their advantage just two minutes later. Morishige picked out Hanyu just outside the Chiba area and the Tokyo midfielder held possession before laying the ball off to Cesar in a central position. Cesar rolled the ball forward to Lucas who then produced a sublime turn that left his marker for dead and the ball was in the back of the Chiba goal before Okamoto barely had chance to react.
Yet another goal at home from Lucas had broken the deadlock. Tokyo continued to control possession and pushed forward in search of a second goal. In the 78th.minute Yazawa found Cesar in a central position and the Brazilian took the ball on before blazing a shot narrowly wide of the post. As the clocked ticked down Tokyo enjoyed almost unbroken possession, moving the ball around fluidly and probing for openings in the harried Chiba defence. A second goal failed to materialise however, and the final whistle blew on a 1-0 win. The Chiba defence had frustrated Tokyo in the first half but the second period had seen near total domination by the home side. The result meant that Tokyo had gone an entire season unbeaten at Ajinomoto Stadium.
Players' comments
"With so many of our fans coming today it was a game we absolutely didn't want to lose. We didn't play much good football and it wasn't a great performance but we're winning games like these now. Chiba are a decent team so it feels like we're making progress little by little. Home and away our fans are fantastic and we're really grateful".
"We won promotion away and the league was also decided away from here so we really wanted to win today. I was playing in defensive midfield and since we were moving the ball around at the back fairly comfortably I tried to get forward as well. I'd like to thank the fans for their support over the year. Their spirit helps my game and I'm looking forward to the rest of the season with their support".
F.C.Tokyo manager Kiyoshi Okuma
"We couldn't make much headway against their defence in the first half. But we thought that if we could keep them out then we'd be fine since we wouldn't let our work rate drop. Then in the second half they lost their shape and we were able to play our own game. However, to improve from now on we have to be able to play the way we did in the second half for the full 90 minutes, in terms of carrying a threat, the variety of our play and our decision-making. In J1 the likelihood of conceding is high and our remaining games this year, against a Sapporo team fighting for promotion and in the Emperor's Cup, should be similar matches. Somehow or other we'll have to carry more of a threat in the first half. Passing the ball more facing the opposition goal, finding space, dribbling and shooting are all issues for us to address but we have confidence and we were able to play our way to some extent".
Jef United Chiba manager Kambe
"Congratulations to everyone at F.C.Tokyo on winning the Championship and gaining promotion. We're weren't able to make our dreams come true this season but we hope to be in that position next year. Regarding the game, we seemed to spend a lot of time defending. We had expected that we'd be playing deeply and hitting on the counter attack. In the first half we kept a compact defensive line but failed to conjure a goal. If we could have been a little more positive from the front and won the ball nearer their goal then maybe we could have created more chances. In the second half we couldn't get up to win the ball as far forward as in the first, the mistakes appeared and we struggled to attack. There was nothing we could do but defend and it was hard going. We went down to ten men and then they scored almost immediately; if we'd had all 11 on the field then maybe we could have hung on for a draw, who knows. The players gave everything they could during the game I think".