2021.4.10[Match Information]

[HOME GAME Information] 4/11 (Sun) Kawasaki Match

[To all visitors]
To ensure a safe and secure viewing experience, please read and follow the spectator etiquette before attending. Thank you for your cooperation.
◇Spectator etiquette can be foundhere

1. Match Details
2021 Meiji Yasuda J1 League Sec. 9
FC Tokyo vs Kawasaki Frontale
Apr 11 (Sun) 14:00 Kickoff

2. Venue
Ajinomoto Stadium
376-3 Nishimachi, Chofu City, Tokyo
□Access guide is here
□Temporary transportation access (railway) is here
□Shuttle bus and route bus operation is here
□Bicycle and motorcycle parking is here

3. Ticket Information
□ For information on same-day ticket sales, click here
□ For an overview of ticket sales, click here

4. Opening Time
Opening time 12:00 (scheduled)
※There is no waiting line before the opening. All seats are designated seats. Please refrain from coming to the stadium before the opening.

5. Live Streaming Information
【J.League Official Broadcasting Partner】DAZN

[Radio] Chofu FM

6. Spectator Etiquette
【Important】For information on spectator etiquette, click here.

Other event information is here