2023.4.12[Match Information]

Changes in spectator manners for the 4/19 (Wed) G Osaka match

Please note that there are changes in the spectator manners for the Gamba Osaka match on Apr 19 (Wed) compared to normal times.

Please also check the spectator manners page.

About entering and exiting the □ Stadium
(1) Opening time
Prior to general admission, priority entry for SOCIO and corporate season ticket holders will be implemented.
<SOCIO Open (including corporate annual ticket purchasers)>
17:15 (scheduled)

<General Admission>
17:30 (scheduled)

(2) Entrance Gate
Seats that can be accessed at each gate will be restricted for a certain period of time from the opening of the gate. If you enter early, please check your seat type and the gate you can enter.

【Entry restrictions】
<Main Gate 3>
Home general admission, all reserved seats (including visitor reserved seats)
<North Gate 2>
Home general admission
<Back Gate 2>
Home general admission, excluding all reserved seats except visitor reserved seats
※You cannot enter this match from the South 1 Gate. If you are supporting the visiting team, please enter from the Main 3 Gate.

(3) Waiting Line Lottery Entry
We will conduct the lottery entry for the home general admission seats as usual.
◇For more details, please check here.

(4) Queue Management (for Home General Admission Seats)
The entrance queue is for organizing the order of entry at the time of opening.
Even if you arrive after the gate opens and in time for the kickoff, there are seats available for you to sit, so you don't necessarily have to line up.
Please determine your arrival time based on your own method of watching.

・For those who have a numbered ticket through a lottery entry
Please prepare the obtained numbered ticket in advance and line up at the waiting area (refer to the waiting area below) 30 minutes before the designated opening time. (Refer to the lineup method in the waiting area below). If you are not present during the lineup, your numbered ticket will be invalidated.

・For those who do not have a numbered ticket
You can line up at the end after 13:00 on the day of the match. Once you have lined up, you can leave the line. Please return to the waiting area 30 minutes before the designated opening time.
You cannot leave the line until 30 minutes before the opening. Please line up in advance and understand this.

【For SOCIO Members】


【How to line up in the waiting area】
Ropes with assigned numbers are installed as markers, so please line up with the person accompanying you at the location where your assigned number is indicated.

(5) Queue Management (Reserved Seat Holders)
On the day of the match, please line up at the waiting area of the main gate and back gate at 13:00. After securing your spot, you are allowed to leave the queue area.

【Main Gate】

【Back Gate】

(6) Re-entry Gate
Re-entry is possible from the following gate.
<Re-entry Gate>
Main 4 gates, Back 1 gate
<Re-entry Implementation Time>
From SOCIO opening to halftime

【Temporary Exit】
Please present your ticket at the gate and receive a re-entry card.

Please present your re-entry card at the gate.