2023.7.06[Club Announcement]

Press conference held on comprehensive collaboration agreement with Keio Electric Railway Co., Ltd.

FC Tokyo (Tokyo Football Club, Inc.) has signed a comprehensive collaboration agreement and sponsorship contract with Keio Electric Railway Co., Ltd. on May 9 (Tue).

On Jul 1 (Sat), a press conference regarding the policy of comprehensive collaboration agreement was held during the home game at Ajinomoto Stadium. We announced more specific details about the initiatives that both companies will collaborate on, specifically for the press members.

Tomofumi Miyazaki, President and Representative Director of Keio Corporation, President and Executive Officer's Comment

"Ajinomoto Stadium, which is the franchise of FC Tokyo, is located right in the middle of the Keio Line. It is a very important location for the Keio Line, as it is a place where a lot of people gather from the surrounding areas, mainly for sports events. From our perspective, as people's lifestyles have changed due to the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, creating demand for travel within their living areas to seek enjoyment has become a very important issue for us. Among them, sports is a very powerful content, and having a base in the middle of the Keio Line and having the local people come together and enjoy it, has a significant meaning. FC Tokyo has always been a partner in energizing the community, but by signing this agreement, we hope to share the same vision even more strongly and work together in the long term to contribute to the community by utilizing each other's resources. As the first initiative, on August 12 (Sat), FC Tokyo will play against Kyoto Sanga F.C. at Ajinomoto Stadium, and the day will be held as "Keio Electric Railway Day". We will invite people from the surrounding areas and also recruit children from the Keio Line area for the Hand with Hand event (where children hold hands with players and enter the stadium), in order to make sports feel more familiar to them."

Comment from Naoki Daikin, Chairman of Tokyo Football Club Co., Ltd.

"Ajinomoto Stadium was built in 2001, and we have been active as our home stadium. Since then, we have started community contribution activities and have been thinking about how to attract fans and supporters and how to energize the community. Among them, the biggest turning point was when we were able to put up FC Tokyo posters at Chofu Station. At that time, we had no recognition and there were not many people supporting us, but having posters at Chofu Station was the start of our collaboration with Keio Electric Railway. After that, we were able to put flyers in the station racks, put up large posters on the station platforms, and put up hanging advertisements in the trains, all of which supported FC Tokyo. We have been distributing flyers at each station on the Keio Line, and it was a great boost for us when the station masters at each station gave us permission to distribute flyers inside the stations. City development is centered around stations. Our fans and supporters are mainly along the Keio Line. I think this is the result of our efforts together in the past. The signing of this comprehensive collaboration agreement is not so much a new start, but a deepening of the relationship we have built so far, and a closer relationship where we think together about what we can do for the community. Especially for children and for the future, we want to implement initiatives that give them dreams and hope."

Comment from Shinya Kawagishi, President and Representative Director of Tokyo Football Club Co., Ltd.

"There are various sports events along the Keio Line, but I think that FC Tokyo has been recognized as an important presence for Keio Electric Railway through the conclusion of this agreement. We hope to contribute to enhancing the appeal of the Keio Line and especially to strengthen our efforts for the children and child-rearing generations along the line, and to further increase opportunities for them to experience sports. We are preparing specific measures such as cooperating to hold walking events and soccer classes. We have heard that Keio Electric Railway has a program called "Keio Kids Work Team", and we believe that there are various possibilities for future efforts, such as creating opportunities for children to experience FC Tokyo's work. On August 12 (Sat), we will hold "Keio Electric Railway Day", and we are preparing special measures focused on children to provide them with a good experience and make them happy. Although adjustments are necessary, in order to visit Ajinomoto Stadium, it is necessary for people to know more about the sports, soccer, and FC Tokyo along the Keio Line. Therefore, we would like to work with Keio Electric Railway to promote the "blue and red" of the areas along the line. The number of inbound visitors from overseas has also increased. We hope to work with the Keio Group to attract these people to Ajinomoto Stadium."


This agreement aims to strengthen the collaboration between FC Tokyo and Keio Electric Railway Co., Ltd., promote the revitalization of the surrounding area through sports, contribute to the healthy development and upbringing of children, and promote a rich and attractive "town development".

Support for measures targeting children

To support the healthy development and growth of children, we have received support and sponsorship for the Hand with Hand concept, where players and children hold hands and enter together, during home games. We will display the logo of Keio Corporation on the attire of the children entering.

Collaboration Items
(1) Matters related to the promotion and revitalization of the surrounding area.
(2) To promote the healthy development of children, especially through sports.
(3) Matters related to promoting stadium visits.
(4) Matters related to attracting fans from both sides.
(5) Matters related to promoting attractive town development.